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Home » Question of the Week » Accidental animal cruelty » Post 107122 | Search
This is a question Accidental animal cruelty

I once invented a brilliant game - I'd sit at the top of the stairs and throw cat biscuits to the bottom. My cat would eat them, then I'd shake the box, and he would run up the stairs for more biscuits. Then - of course - I'd throw a biscuit back down to the bottom. I kept this going for about half an hour, amused at my little game, and all was fine until the cat vomited. I felt absolutely dreadful.

Have you accidentally been cruel to an animal?
This question has been revived from way, way, way back on the b3ta messageboard when it was all fields round here.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2007, 11:13)
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I had a cat called Henry (sadly the farmer has kept him...it would have been unkind of me to take him away from his farm home - the cat, not the git farmer). Henry used to attempt to hump me every evening. I would push him away from me, he'd miaow in a most alarming manner and then retire to the corner of the room to lick himself very intently. If I pushed him at the wrong moment he'd bite me.

Kinky cat.

Mind you I think the cat probably misses me more than the farmer does. Certainly I miss the cat more than the git.
(, Wed 12 Dec 2007, 12:35, Reply)

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