Awesome teachers
Teachers have been getting a right kicking recently and it's not fair. So, let's hear it for the teachers who've inspired you, made you laugh, or helped you to make massive explosions in the chemistry lab. (Thanks to Godwin's Lawyer for the suggestion)
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 17 Mar 2011, 11:18)
would you have been as bothered
If it was a different car?
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Thu 17 Mar 2011, 20:26,
1 reply)
I could probably have forgiven him a renault 4.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 17 Mar 2011, 23:37,
This made me laugh in quite a prolonged way
sandettie light vessel automatic New Twitter - @bollocksreally, Fri 18 Mar 2011, 10:04,