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This is a question Bastard Colleagues

You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).

Tell us about yours...

Thanks to Deskbound for the idea

(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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Having done all sorts of crap temping jobs
I, along with probably quite a few of you, have done many jobs below my level. Generally, I'm quite good about this, and don't get all snobby or anything. What I don't like, and what will cause rants such as this, is being patronised.

For example, I working in a factiry putting bits together by hand. I have various pieces, which I was told how to put together, then pass on to the next bloke.
Fine, off I go, in the vauge haze I always get when doing something like this, staring at something a thousand miles away. With tits.

"No! That's wrong!" wails the person next to me, who's been there for years and could never get a better job. "You need to have things like this," and proceeds to move things so they're in exactly the same arrangement as he has. "That's the best arrangment." Right. Any time I arrange things slightly differently, the self-important fool ("I've been here longer, I know the best way to do it" - actual quote) next to me thinks it's more important to 'correct' me. This continues, leading to in fact considerably less productivity overall than if he just left me to it, and irritating me no end.

I've come across this plenty of times. I am sympathetic to and respect someone who has a crap job but is proud of it. But self-important tits wind me up. Rant over.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 14:57, 6 replies)
I'm the same, but I usually have endless fun trying to see if they have the mental capacity to understand when someone's taking the piss out of them in deadpan. No is the answer to that, but don't let that discourage you. I'm sure there's one out there somewhere.

Guy at the factory, for example, I would have moved things into hideously stupid and awkward positions and asked him "What about doing it this way? would that work?" every five minutes.

When he went spastic and put it back, I would have thanked him profusely for his expertise and told him how good at this he is. For extra frustration, repeat some of the changes and if this is noticed, give some obscure numbskull reason for it - "yeah, but that was this morning, the sun's in a different part of the sky now. I thought maybe this side being a tiny bit warmer might make a difference. What do you think?".

Great fun, and it'll be the muppet who's frustrated at the end of it, rather than you.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:05, closed)
I'm generally not that cruel
but I very much approve of your methods and they made me smile.

*Would click if possible*
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:18, closed)
You aren't snobby, yet you think you're above some jobs.
Which I doubt anyway, as your grammar makes my brain bleed.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:35, closed)
What I meant is I actually do said jobs
and don't moan about it, whereas some people probably would.
While in a factory or warehouse in the summer between university terms I know I won't be doing this forever. That's what I meant about being above those jobs, even if I'm doing them for beer money etc. at the time.

Yes, I write long sentances, with too many commas, I know, sorry about that.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:51, closed)
Fair enough.
With the grammar I was referring to the way you jump from one tense to another all the time. Not just in the same paragraph, but in the same sentence.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 15:58, closed)
What is a "factiry"?

(, Fri 25 Jan 2008, 13:38, closed)

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