You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).
Tell us about yours...
Thanks to Deskbound for the idea
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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... sort of a co-worker... anyway:
Once, getting changed quite alone in the locker room, as one does after hockey practice, I witnessed a strange occurance.
A guy whom i vaguely recognised from around the place, but whom i would not have expected to take part in any sports team, and as such would not have expected to use the changing rooms, entered.
I was unclear as to his intentions, as he strutted through the door and slowly but purposefully searched the showers. His strut was not that of an over-cocky youth likely to be carrying a weapon of some desctription, but rather a lumbering trudging motion which, though perhaps less intimidating, emitted no less of an alpha male aura.
Apparently satisfied that we were alone in the vecinity, he moved towards me. But instead of challenging or attacking me in any way, he stopped uncomfortably close, and took his clothes off.
By this point, i had moved on from curiousity and was frankly allarmed that he has chosen to undress so close to me in an otherwise empty room, and the distinct lack of anything for him to change into was playing on my mind - i feared the worst, and wondered exactly how fast i could exit the room, should the need arise.
No such need did arise however, as whereupon all of his clothes had been removed, he made another lumbering, strutting motion toward the showers. It added up. My anxiousness was eased, and replaced once again by curiousity as this naked figure proceded to make the same systematic search of the showers, and once again, return empty handed. He went on to circle the room and myself in this state of undress in the several minutes which followed.
Were this not enough, after he completed a few circuits, he simply put his clothes back on, and left.
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 16:05, 1 reply)

And he was making sure there were no friends or cameras lurking around?
( , Fri 25 Jan 2008, 17:32, closed)
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