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This is a question Bastard Colleagues

You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).

Tell us about yours...

Thanks to Deskbound for the idea

(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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Are you sitting comfortably? Tough!
There's not much of this tale for the telling, Just the sad ballad of a jumped up little turd with a megalomania complex... He had the power.

After all, he is the grocery dept manager for the afore mentioned supermarket in the afore mentioned location. In fact, the only thing Meltham has going for it is that it's not any bigger, and the scally estate is on the other side of the valley to me. Anyway, I digress.

There was not a thing Dean wouldn't do to win praise from the boss. Rumour has it that once he was told 'Dean, go outside and wash my car' and he did. I'm quite sure if the boss said 'Dean, tongue my arsehole until it's spotless' Dean would be on his knees before the end of the sentence. He had this tiny bit of power in a shitbox supermarket in the arse end of the universe and it went to his head. He marched it all around like Hitler.

There wasn't a person in that building who liked him, there wasn't anything likable about him. This was borne out by me joining the department as his second and immediately winning over the team simply because I wasn't a cunt. He hated that... That a complete stranger could walk in and undermine him without even trying.

Long story short, he made life needlessly difficult for me, leaving stuff undone so that I'd have to run around later to get it done, blaming me for things he didn't do, getting the boss to tannoy me every ten minutes for the slightest thing, and then kicking off because I spent so much time running around on fool's errands of his devising, and verbally abusing me and relishing the thought he might actually be hurting me and breaking my spirit.

But hey, I'm a big boy, I sucked it up. I know I'm better than him. I had two options, telling someone had been tried previously and achieved exactly nothing. Rallying a deparmental walk out didn't work either. I could either suck it up and look after my team or I could wheel about and smash his face through the wall. As christmas came along the additional stress caused by the general public proved too much and my brain broke and had to be relieved of duty... and when I was able to go face going back to work I had to be relocated to a different dept.

He on the other hand is still where he was, still wanting to have the bumsexings with the boss, still acting like some closet dwelling pvc-clad hitlerite, treating people like shit and generally being a cunt.

Of course, now that I don't work there he's fair game, dark alleyway, cricketbat, swandive down a flight of stairs. I don't think I'd have any trouble finding someone to provide me with an alibi either.
(, Thu 24 Jan 2008, 19:26, Reply)

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