You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).
Tell us about yours...
Thanks to Deskbound for the idea
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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Sometimes I wonder how anyone who has gone through the state education system manages to retain any of their sanity. Some of the people who supposedly 'care' and 'teach' the nation's children are horrible examples of the human species , and having had the unpleasant job of working in schools, here are some prime examples;
"Miss A" - 22st, 5ft5 bulldog, who's job was officially to teach maths, but spent most of her day using school resources to run her private tuition business. Legendary amoung male members of staff and most of the sixth form for playing 'hide the sausage' in classroom cupboards. Believed herself to be the most attractive and 'hip' members of staff in the school. Actually slept with a another teacher after pkying him with drink, knowing full well he couldn't handle his drink and was getting married the next week.
"Miss F" - Absolute religious nutbar. Would scream blue murder at any kid or other staff member who questioned any element of the catholic faith. Refused conventional treatment when diagnosed with cancer, believing that her faith and prayer would heal her... it didn't.
"Mr P" - Worked in the science department. No-one sure what the guy did exactly , but would be caught having a quick wank in the laboratories, asleep in the staffroom and dispite claiming to have a degree in chemistry, his only prior work experience was 'in sales' (in Currys).
"Mr F" - The office manager - outstandingly camp, lived with his elderly father. Famously annouced, via email that he was just waiting for his Dad to die so he could come out, 'without shame'? Would bore you to death with tales of his plane-spotting adventures. Office PC chock-full of gay porn. 'Retired' very suddenly when new network software was set to run search for *.jpg files on workstations.
"Mr G" - Ex-army PT instructor. Left the school due to 'personal issues'. Six months later he murdered his sister 'to get rid of the devil insider her'.
I'd say that I've exaggerated these slightly, but this lot all worked in the same school! Names omitted to prevent them hunting me down, the bunch of freaks.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2008, 14:05, Reply)
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