You've all known one. The brown-nosing fucker, the 'comedian', the drunk, the gossip and of course the weird one with no mates who goes bell ringing, looks like Mr Majika and sports a monk's haircut (and is a woman).
Tell us about yours...
Thanks to Deskbound for the idea
( , Thu 24 Jan 2008, 9:09)
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Aw, thanks :o) Being hand-reared, Gorby had absolutely no idea he was a dog - and having me as his surrogate mum added insult to this injury - making him a tad on the 'special' side. Thus he learned all of his social skills from me. So when he saw me 'reacting' to Terriertwat he must have thought this behaviour appropriate and copied accordingly?! Playing along with said inbreds was the path of least resistance, otherwise I couldn't shake them off :o/ I've always been one of those people who attracts retards...... not to mention all the years I've worked with window-lickers lol
( , Tue 29 Jan 2008, 17:23, Reply)
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