Bedroom Disasters
Big Girl's Blouse asks: Drug fuelled orgies ending in a pile of vomit? Accidental spillage of Chocolate Pudding looking like a dirty protest? Someone walking in on you doing something that isn't what it looks like?... Tell us about your Bedroom Disasters
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Jun 2011, 15:14)
And that was also
far more intellectual than I was being.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 28 Jun 2011, 16:53,
1 reply)
Just pretend you meant it! Its what I always do.
Kitty Fantastico "Dwarf, Anorexic and In a Fight ", Tue 28 Jun 2011, 17:05,
(Is it a Hancock reference?)
Kitty Fantastico "Dwarf, Anorexic and In a Fight ", Tue 28 Jun 2011, 17:12,
I guess it's just us oldies that get the reference
We're the only ones who are Wise enough...
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Tue 28 Jun 2011, 17:33,
Tea urn?
Herb Alpert's Taxi Driver I have very beautiful lips, Tue 28 Jun 2011, 18:25,
D'oh! I can't believe it took so long for me to work it out.
Kitty Fantastico "Dwarf, Anorexic and In a Fight ", Tue 28 Jun 2011, 18:47,