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Home » Question of the Week » Ignorance » Post 1717356 | Search
This is a question Ignorance

I once was in a programming class where the task was "build a calculator". A student did one with buttons 1, 2, 3 all the way up to about 25 and then ran out of space on the screen. We've asked this before but liked it so much we're asking again: What's the best example of ignorance you've encountered?

(, Thu 30 Aug 2012, 12:30)
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No pound here my friend
She may have referred to herself as black but I do not think there is a human being in the world (excluding carbonised bodies pulled out of house fires) that is black.

And I have another shiny pound that says you aren't white.

If however you can shave your entire body, close your eyes and disappear when standing in front of a white cyc wall then you win.

Don't bother digging out the depilator though. If you think you are white you are probably a very pale peachy colour, or red if you have sunburn, or a very light brown if you tan well, or slightly yellow if you are jaundiced.

But you are not white.
(, Sat 1 Sep 2012, 18:27, Reply)

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