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This is a question Blood

Like a scene from The Exorcist, I once spewed a stomach-full of blood all over a charming nurse as I came round after a major dental operation. Tell us your tales of red, red horror.

(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 14:39)
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The quickest way to get over a fear of blood draws?
Get an illness where you need to have blood draws every 2 or 3 months. The first few times you get a bit freaked, the next few times you just grimace and bear it, and by year two you're sighing and saying "no, not that vein, no one ever gets any from that vein. Hell, just give me the damn needle and I'll get it for you".

It bugs me that they never give me biscuits though. At least the blood donation people give you biscuits. I mean, would it kill them to fork out for a packet of custard creams once in a while?
(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 15:28, 1 reply)
Truer words...
.... were never spoken. And as someone who worked for a phlebotomist's lab, about ninety percent of patients will make a crack about how we're all secretly vampires.
(, Thu 7 Aug 2008, 23:15, closed)

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