Like a scene from The Exorcist, I once spewed a stomach-full of blood all over a charming nurse as I came round after a major dental operation. Tell us your tales of red, red horror.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 14:39)
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During a Friday night lock in, two of the regulars were having a bit of banter while stood at the bar - Chris went to cuff Alec playfully around the head, Alec ducked down laughing behind his own forearm.....that was holding a pint glass 2/3 full of Tennents Extra (This is going back a few years as I said...). The glass smashed out of Alecs hand and Chris yelped a bit, they both stepped back and I reached for the sweeping brush and mop for a quick cleanup....by the time I got around the other side of the bar to start clearing up the mess, there was a bit of blood on the floor and Chris was looking a bit pale with claret dripping down his raised forearm - not too much as his hand was clamped firmly shut over his palm.....which looked a bit odd. What had happened was that he'd managed to slice a very clean horseshoe shape in his palm on Alecs pint glass, chopping a few tendony/ ligamenty bits on the way and making some of his fingers fold a bit flat to his palm...anyway the plan was fairly simple, no one was kicking off, we were just concerned for our mate. I fetched clean bar towels and someone else stepped outside to hail a taxi for the short journey to A&E.....lock in over and everyone would make their way to casualty or home until tomorrow...this was all fine until big Phil decided he wanted to check the wound and tenderly peeled back the flattened fingers that until know had been covering the wound.....
...and the artery that had been sliced through as well as the tendony bits....Phil got a faceful as if from a vampirical soda syphon, it rebounded off his glasses spattering everything in a ten foot radius before he quickly let go in horror, the fingers snapped back into place and the pressure was back on the vessel.....that meant washing every single bloody glass and surface in the place before opening time the next morning. Not good when you're half smashed...
Length? About six months of wearing a cast, regular microsurgery and occasionally numb fingers for Alec 15 years later.
( , Mon 11 Aug 2008, 16:21, 1 reply)
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