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Home » Question of the Week » Biggest opportunity I've blown » Post 2254603 | Search
This is a question Biggest opportunity I've blown

Not Alan Partridge tells us: "I was once offered the chance to co-present a programme on national radio. Audience of millions, but blew up spectacularly, my entire contribution being the rustling of paper in the background. I was that bad, I have since burned my copy of the pilot show." Tell us about your big break, and how you messed it up.

(, Thu 3 Apr 2014, 14:22)
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It's ok, you win a decent amount on the national lottey in 14 months time
The numbers are: 08, 09, 15, 17, 21, 33

Don't buy that car you've always been wanting though - it turns out to be faulty and you have a nasty accident losing sight in one eye.

Oh and stay away from a bloke called Neil.
(, Fri 4 Apr 2014, 10:45, Reply)

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