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This is a question This book changed my life

The Goat writes, "Some books have made a huge impact on my life." It's true. It wasn't until the b3ta mods read the Flashman novels that we changed from mild-mannered computer operators into heavily-whiskered copulators, poltroons and all round bastards in a well-known cavalry regiment.

What books have changed the way you think, the way you live, or just gave you a rollicking good time?

Friendly hint: A bit of background rather than just a bunch of book titles would make your stories more readable

(, Thu 15 May 2008, 15:11)
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Some more
(Non-sexy ones this time).

"The Age of Consent" by George Monbiot. I don't agree with everything he says, and he can be irritatingly preachy. However, since the 'softly-softly' approach to trying to cure the world's ills hasn't worked, perhaps the in-your-face method is best.

"Opera's Second Death" by Slavoj Zizek. A look at the genre of opera from a philosophical point of view. Helped to give me an extremely wide view of music.

The Letters of Benjamin Britten, vols 1 to 3. Britten is one of my favorite composers of all time, and was an extremely prolific letter-writer. They provide invaluable documents of both his feelings, and his attitude towards his own music.
(, Fri 16 May 2008, 14:27, 2 replies)
Opera's Second Death
That sounds really interesting. I shall add that to my 'To Read' list. Just looked him up on Amazon and there's loads of his on there.
(, Fri 16 May 2008, 14:35, closed)
if you like that

'Small is Beautiful' by E.F.Schumacher
(, Fri 16 May 2008, 14:53, closed)

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