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This is a question Cheap Tat

OneEyedMonster remindes us about the crap you can buy in pound shops: "Batteries that lasted about an hour and then died. A screwdriver with a loose handle so I couldn't turn the damn screw, and a tape measure which wasn't at all accurate."

Similarly, my neighbour bought a lawnmower from Argos that was so cheap the wheels didn't go round, it sort of skidded over the grass whilst gently back-combing it.

What's the cheapest, most useless crap you've bought?

(, Fri 4 Jan 2008, 7:26)
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The wonder of Aldi
When stranded in France for a year, I wasn't paid enough to eat real food for the whole month. So as payday approached I would find myself heading to Aldi to invest in their line of no-frills (i.e. no topping) pizzas and a packet of 'ham' (it might have had the concept of ham explained to it as it was shat out of the giant meat by-product processing machine).

Combine the two and voila, a veritable taste sensation! The sensation being that of eating a piece of slimy cardboard encrusted with snot and scabs.
(, Sat 5 Jan 2008, 9:05, 1 reply)
Aldi, Lidl..avoid like plague
(, Mon 7 Jan 2008, 10:50, closed)

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