OneEyedMonster remindes us about the crap you can buy in pound shops: "Batteries that lasted about an hour and then died. A screwdriver with a loose handle so I couldn't turn the damn screw, and a tape measure which wasn't at all accurate."
Similarly, my neighbour bought a lawnmower from Argos that was so cheap the wheels didn't go round, it sort of skidded over the grass whilst gently back-combing it.
What's the cheapest, most useless crap you've bought?
( , Fri 4 Jan 2008, 7:26)
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that if a company comes to dominate the marketplace it's generally a 'success' in the way Napolean was a success or the way any other imperialist dictator in history was.
IE: it's bullied, racketed, dirty-dealt, exploited and generally slimed it's way into that position.
A real successful company is one that has, say, a half dozen shops, a good reputation and a loyal customer base - the sort of shop that will still be there in 200 years.
Corporate Capitalism is a horrible system. I say break the monopolies and tighten government restrictions. Bring back useful unions (though with similar controls so we don't end up with the farce we had in the seventies) and encourage shorter working hours.
The scandinavians are a good model for this.
Of course it'll never happen because money talks and it's the corporations that have all the money and most of the power, precisely because the tories gave it to them.
( , Tue 8 Jan 2008, 15:51, Reply)
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