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Home » Question of the Week » The most childish thing you've done as an adult » Post 525202 | Search
This is a question The most childish thing you've done as an adult

Davros' Grandad confesses: On visiting my ex-wife's house, I wiped my bum on the toothbrush belonging to the bloke she ran off with. At least, I thought it was his toothbrush.

(, Thu 17 Sep 2009, 14:36)
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I used to work in a minicab office
that was on an industrial estate in the middle of nowhere, instead of, you know, in the middle of town were all the customers were. In the yard outside were around 60 traffic cones (which one of my equally childish colleagues had liberated from a major road reconstruction scheme some months previously).

One v-e-r-y quiet weekday night I amused myself by arranging the cones so that although nothing was apparent from ground level, when viewed on the security camera they made the perfect outline of a cock and bollocks.

When positioning the cones I even took into account the effect of parallax on the camera view (much like the funny-shaped adverts on the ground at cricket matches).
(, Tue 22 Sep 2009, 10:27, Reply)

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