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Home » Question of the Week » Child Labour » Post 49241 | Search
This is a question Child Labour

There is a special part of Hell I'd like to reserve for those arses that order every single Sunday paper. Do you know how heavy that makes the bundle of papers some poor kid (ie me) has to lug around? Funny how your papers always seemed to get mangled in your letterbox...

I loved my paper round, but, looking back, I was getting paid peanuts to ruin my back and cycle around in the cold and dark. How were you exploited as a child?

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 12:05)
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...if that's how it's spelt.
Most godforsaken thing I ever did for money: About 17, crouching waist high in corn fields, collecting wild oats on the hottest day ever....EVER! I know this will have been dream job for a few of you. Not me. I guess some people are made for this. Farmers, perhaps. Having said that, if they were so made for it, why pay me to do it? Well, it payed for a couple of beers after work. Can't remember what pittance I received, or if I even started day two. Fuck that...I'm itching already.
That first beer was like frosty angel piss on my tongue....
(, Tue 21 Feb 2006, 15:26, Reply)

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