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This is a question Claims to Fame

Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"

What crappy claims to fame can you make?

(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
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Ok, Here we go.
- I went to school with a kid who was distantly related to Gregory Peck.
- A distant relative of my own pioneered a version of a horse drawn combine harvester at the beginning of the last century.
- My step grandfather once drove David Lloyd George (WWI Brit PM) from North Wales to London as his own car had broken down. This was recaptured in a two second scene in 'The Life and Times of David Lloyd George' tv Miniseries.
- My father proved that oat fibre reduces blood cholesterol which had the world of the lab coat wearing boffins all of a tizz for a while.
- My sister had the (big aussie band at the time) Screaming Jets use her room at uni as a changing room as they prepared for her college end of year show as she was the only one with a mirror.
- I went to university with Ex Aussie Cricket Captain Ian Chappell's younger brother Greg Chappell's son Steve.



- I was also the first boy enrolled at my newly build primary school which got me into the Adelaide advertiser aged about 7 under the heading of 'going to the Hub of learning' which was a poor pun on the name of the shopping centre just over the back of the school.

Autographs are a fiver, no photos!

*Punches papparazzo*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 14:49, Reply)

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