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This is a question Claims to Fame

Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"

What crappy claims to fame can you make?

(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
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I've mentioned some of this before.
that soldier that's been in all the papers for taking his "holiday snaps" from iraq to the local max speilman? I went to school with him. His parents run the shop (and are pretty decent folks) over the road from Polesworth High school, and his nickname has been "maggie" from about year dot.He was never the brightest button in the box, bless 'im, but I never thought he was that stupid. Still,with multiple fractures from senior officers behind him (*funny* isn't it, how that didn't get in the papers?)and two years of prison in front of him, I'm sure he's learned his lesson.
The dude from led zeppelin, Robert Plant, runs the music course at the college in the town where I live now,
and my mom was married to a man who enbalmed a Rolling Stone.Apparently they did him to last a good thousand years, so If anyone wants to dig him up,he's probably still there.
apparently,my dad and his brother used to take the piss out of Lenny Henry,back when he still lived in the good old black cuntroi.
I tripped up one of the BB one contestants on a train in New Street.
My mum went to school with lesley whittle,whose dad owned the Go Whittle buses and coaches, she was kidnapped and killed in the seventies (i think).
The guy who lives over the road from me is some sort of famous newsreader apparently,But I've never seen him on TV..a woman i know dated a member of Duran Duran.
I met James Marsters (aka spike from Buffy) at the Coventry Coleseum when he played with his band Ghost of the robot. My mate vikki yelled at him in a very scary brummy accent "JAMES, GIZ US A KISS!" And he did. Which was nice, but he was absolutely STONKERED, which probably explains why he was out the back with us fans instead of in the tour bus. He said, in his sexeh voice "god I love this rock star shit!" and then fell over, ha ha.
Welcome to teh midlands,try not to trip over the sleeping celebrities...
*apologies for girth*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2005, 16:47, Reply)

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