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This is a question Claims to Fame

Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"

What crappy claims to fame can you make?

(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
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not really fame, more morbid coincidence
11th september, 2001, I was travelling back from Boston after a job interview. I had booked an early morning flight; the flight that boarded on the departure gate two down from mine was UA flight 175, the one that nosedived into the south tower of the WTC.

So technically, I probably saw some real live terrorists that morning as I shopped for cheap duty-free :-/

Secondary to that, once the departure area had been evacuated I was standing in main concourse watching the news unfolding when I was grabbed by a US tv journalist and interviewed on the spot, on camera. Seriously wigged at this point, i kept on having bursts of hysterical giggles. I seriously doubt they ever used my interview.

(sorry for length and girth)
(, Sat 26 Feb 2005, 13:52, Reply)

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