swiftyisNOTevil writes, "I have recently become obsessed with the BBC Three show 'The Real Hustle' - personally, I think of it as a 'How To' show for aspiring con artists."
Have you carried out a successful con? Perhaps you hustled a few quid off a stranger, or defrauded a multi-national company. Or have you been taken for the wide-eyed, naive rube that you are?
( , Thu 18 Oct 2007, 13:02)
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I am such a easy con when I've had a few bevoirs...
After a few beers and until I hit the 10 pint stage I am everyones best mate... and no I'm not 17 and experiencing beer for the first time....
therefore countless beggers have wandered off pockets full with my hard earned dollar... the worst was a guy that used to wait for me to finish work... every fucking tuesday he must have lay in wait.. now thats dedication to grifting (he fairgame out grifted us)
When I was actually 17/18 I was conned... Directly - hustler style.
bloke in a relativly nice BMW pulls over and asks me a few questions... I can't recal the details but it was along the lines of wheres a nice area in the town etc etc...
Being the polite young man that I am I told him... he said he wanted to show me something as I seemed a cool guy, and asked me to cross the road and he'd pull up -
Now I thought this made me super special of course... but in retrospect it was to duck out of the way of a CCTV camera... arse...
anyway up the side road he pulls out a briefcase with a load of necklaces... they looked nice, they were classic womens necklaces in gold and silver... ahem...
He spins me a story that hes jsut finished a conferance, and has to get rid of these pieces for silly money...
would I like first pick... I thought wow...
I choose, he asked me how much money I had... I had nothing on me...
so he walked me to the cash point!!! and I withdrew 40 or 50 quid for him
thinknig I had a bargain I had a huge smirk on my face... how I must have looked a muppet to him...
he hands over the exact item I selected (they must have all been equally shite)unless he palmed and swapped... and I went away... having given him the last of my weeks wages.
an hour later, I'm home, I hand my mum what I bought her, and said this is for you.. my dad looks...
mum smiles says thankyou... obviously thinking I'd just found something from a cracker...
I later asked dad what he thought... well... you make your own conclusions as to what it really was made of... I think its now green... if it still exists...
that guy pisses me off when I recount the story!!!
quick one - significantly more money.. but meh -
met strange bloke who really is hustle type character... end up in casino
I dont know how to play on casinos - I like to go.. I'm just pants... so 20 quid is my limit... he gets 300 out of me... supposidly he's to match it... he doesnt... we win 1400 quid... we split it... nearly... we leave the casino on my insistance... we go for drinks with girls... I get drunk... we go back to casino... I give him my winnings... I go to bar... I never see him again!!! although he did call the next day.. which I thought was nice!!! lol
( , Fri 19 Oct 2007, 1:59, Reply)
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