Conversation Killers
ThatNiceMan asks: Have you ever been talking with people down the pub when somebody throws such a complete curveball (Sample WTF moment: "I wonder what it's like to get bummed") that all talk is stopped dead? Tell us!
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 12 May 2011, 12:53)
after a couple of sneaky post work beers
and in mixed, normal (reasonably polite) company, our boss casually dropped into the conversation that he had spent hundreds of pounds on hooker once and didn't even get to have sex with her... !
many a pint glass were frozen between table and gaping mouth.
hippospunk37 domo arigato mr roboto, Mon 16 May 2011, 16:18,
7 replies)
did he elaborate as to why not?
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Mon 16 May 2011, 16:30,
only that
she lead him to the cash point twice and he got no action at all. she seems to have misunderstood her part of the transaction methinks!
hippospunk37 domo arigato mr roboto, Mon 16 May 2011, 16:33,
She seemed to understand it very well.
number5 has been fighting tramps and losing., Mon 16 May 2011, 16:40,
So he basically got mugged by a girl.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 16 May 2011, 16:42,
haha, she held a sex to his throat
and took his wallet
hippospunk37 domo arigato mr roboto, Mon 16 May 2011, 16:45,
gaping mouth...
blaireau69 , the Cumbrian Travis Bickle., Mon 16 May 2011, 17:00,
She may not have fucked him,
But he certainly got screwed
Snappyuk gets BIGGER with free sample., Mon 16 May 2011, 20:26,