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This is a question Corporate Idiocy

Comedian Al Murray recounts a run-in with industrial-scale stupidity: "Car insurance company rang, without having sent me a renewal letter, asking for money. Made them answer security questions." In the same vein, tell us your stories about pointless paperwork and corporate quarter-wits

(, Thu 23 Feb 2012, 12:13)
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Marketing, schmarketing
I worked for the same engineering company for 12 years, writing software. In theory, the marketing department were supposed to identify needs by talking to the customers, then feed them through to us techies to develop.

In practice, they seemed mainly to have large lunches and compare dicks. In the entire 12 years, I had precisely 5 words of "input" from them. The only time I ever bothered to forward a question to them, about which of two approaches I should use for a customer-facing interface, the reply didn't come back for several months -- in fact it arrived on the day *after* the product had been released.

When I finally left, I took great satisfaction in relating all this to the MD. I doubt anything changed, though.
(, Fri 24 Feb 2012, 11:23, Reply)

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