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Home » Question of the Week » Crappy Prizes » Post 37192 | Search
This is a question Crappy Prizes

Competitions, raffles, give-aways... sure the prizes look great, but don't they always turn out a bit crap should you happen to win them?

The last raffle I bought tickets for, they'd just given away the all-expenses paid weekend in New York when my number came up. Rushing up to find out what I'd won, I was a little disappointed to be handed a box of "Biscuits for Cheese". Especially as they were busy serving the cheese course (complete with biscuits) as they drew the raffle.

(, Thu 4 Aug 2005, 11:16)
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I won 8 million quid
on the lottery a few years ago.

I was gutted actually because the month before the win i'd just robbed a security van netting 5 million quid, got caught and got sent down for 10 years.

To make it worse i'm now been butt fucked senseless by some nonce on E wing.

Length, average.
Arse girth is now like the top of a wellie though.
(, Thu 4 Aug 2005, 12:59, Reply)

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