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This is a question Cringe!

Chickenlady winces, "I told a Hugh Grant/Divine Brown joke to my dad, pretending that Ms Brown was chewing gum so she'd be more American. Instead I just appeared to be still giving the blow-job. Even as I'm writing this I'm cringing inside."

Tell us your cringeworthy stories of embarrassment. Go on, you're amongst friends here...

(, Thu 27 Nov 2008, 18:58)
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Another musical friend of mine
whom we'll call Gordon, for the usual reason, is a master at putting his foot in it.

One night, at rather a posh function in Edinburgh, he was making polite small talk with some woman when a piper started playing. He was abysmal. Well played bagpipes are tolerable. Badly played bagpipes remind you that they are not really a musical instrument but in fact a weapon of war.

Anyway, Gordon turned to the woman, and apologised for missing what she'd just said to him because of this piper having started murdering a good tune. "Sorry", he said. "Could you repeat that please. I can't hear myself think for that piper. He must be the worst bloody piper I've heard in my life. Do you know who he is?"

"Yes" she replied. "He's my husband"
(, Sun 30 Nov 2008, 13:55, 2 replies)
I disagree
Well played pipes are still awful.
(, Sun 30 Nov 2008, 18:04, closed)
A weapon of war
So very true!

But played well, especially playing either Amazing Grace or Flower of Scotland and they move me to tears.

I think it's genetic rather than learned - I've never even lived in Scotland but most of my family are still there.
(, Sun 30 Nov 2008, 19:03, closed)

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