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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Bar Work
I'm sure we'll see numerous stories relating to drink this week. People are rarely more wrong, yet still convinced of their rightness than when they're three sheets to the wind, as it were.

This is one of those occasions.

The pub I worked in was a proper local. The same faces, sat in the same places, drinking the same beers at the same time every single day.

This meant for some good banter between staff and punter and everything was fine and dandy.

Until the management changed and the relaxed "if I can't see it, it aint happening" attitude was replaced with one of "not in my wife's fucking pub, coz I'm fucking well 'ard and used to be in the fucking army, innit".

This upset the natives and turned sour the previously nice, happy atmosphere; where a typical Friday night involved a steady stream of knuckle draggers heading into the toilet and filling their noses with coke before coming back to the bar for Bacardi Breezers and bottles of Bud.

Despite me having already been in the employ of this boozer for a good 6 months. Despite me clearly being very stoned every single evening. And despite me being a music student, who made it very clear I was a music student by inviting my music student friends to the pub and giving them "special rates" on their beers; it was assumed that the change in attitude was down to me being undercover "filth".

I don't think a pub full of customers has ever been more wrong... with the possible exception of when England are playing football, and the punters seem to think it's possible they may actually win.
(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 18:38, Reply)

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