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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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viva la revolucion!
i happen to live by a 24hr garage/offie/minimarket.
you get ALL kinds of cunts in there.
one night, i'm queueing, and infront of me, by about 4 people there's a pair of HORRENDOUS chavvy drunk bitches, SCREAMING abuse at the very nice man who works there because he won't let them use the staff toilet. they're swearing and grabbing at him over the counter, and everyone's pissed off. the guy behind asks if they can move so he can pay and to stop abusing the guy, they start screaming 'what do i fackin look like to you, some kind o fackin caaahnt? what do you expect my mate to do yeah? you want her to piss on the floor? she's not a fuckin animal mate! you caaaaaaahnt!
i was gettin hacked off cos i wanted to get my rizlas in peace, so i started heckling, i was like 'if she doesn't want to piss on the floor, maybe she could piss in your mouth, that's remarkably similar to a toilet!
it's like a dam breaking, she goes puce and emits a strangled 'whattheFUCKdidyousayyouCAAAAAAAHNT?!?!?' at which point EVERYONe in the store starts going 'get out, fuck off, go home you worthless pieces of shit' and so on.. seriously there's about 15 people just hurling abuse at these two idiots..
they left, and the guy behind the counter literally had tears of laughter running down his face.
fuckin chavs.
like it's his fault the drank too much white lightning and couldn't find an alley to piss in. fuckin drunk bitches.
(, Sun 7 Sep 2008, 8:39, Reply)

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