The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.
Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)
( , Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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People would phone up and through no fault of their own inbreeding would frequently get the names of popular destination alarming wrong. see if you can guess the real destinations
Grand Canary - my personal fave
Future Adventure
Domino Republic
Dominigo Republic
Costa Brave
Costa Bravado
Fuck, this is bring back bad memories....but. i. must. purge them....
OK, what is it with people when they are booking a holiday? WHY do they (about 85%) of them demand to book the cheapest tattiest shite i can find them? So, after hearing this for about the 30th time that day, i ended up turning on this woman, in a professional manner, of course...
"Hi, Thomson holidays, Cancer speaking, how can i help?"
"could i book your cheapest holiday please"
*veins bulge*
"ok, i was wondering though, why does everybody always ask for the cheapest holiday, i mean, you wouldn't walk into an estate agents and ask for their cheapest house, or walk into a restaurant and ask for their cheapest meal, or walk into a car showroom and ask for their cheapest car. Cheapest is NOT always best...yeah?"
"well, yeah, i suppose so"
"well, you work all year, and you get a fortnight off and you want to travel thousands of miles and end up spending those two weeks, with your small children, in the scuzziest and cheapest accomodation i can find"
"well, yeah"
"OK..................when do you want to travel........."
And so on and so forth. I still don't know why they want them so cheap, ALL the time.
Or the cunts who would 'want a wee cheapie, because this is the 5th holiday we have been on this year"
Or maybe the oddest one, not a customer from hell, but worth a mention, was this woman who called up from the foyer of the hotel she was in, in Benidorm....to book another weeks holiday for the next again year, in the same hotel....Bizarre. i think she must have gotten pumped by some Spanish waiter and was so enamoured she comitted her next years holiday as soon as she could...
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 13:57, Reply)
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