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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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On a job with a new company for the first time
in a van going to work , driver guy stops at macdonalds for 'food' and gets back in the van ranting about how the mcmonkey had fucked up his order . seemed he had wanted a particular unique combination of mcshite that meant he should have been charged less than he was because that counts as a macmeal and blah blah blah .
Struck me that he was probably a cock and the mcmonkey probably couldn't give a fuck.
Six months later and I know one bit of that's true . and i haven't met the mcmonkey
Apologies to all monkeys everywhere ,
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 14:51, Reply)

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