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This is a question Darwin Awards

Bluffboy says: My mate cheated death and burned his eyebrows off looking down the barrel of a potato gun. Tell us about your brushes with the Grim Reaper through stupidity.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 20:01)
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Dumb shit I have done and what I've learnt from this
A vauge, mostly complete list of what I've learnt from near death/serious injury incidents.

1)Do not ever throw fireworks/batteries/deoderant cans or pretty much anything splashy and flammable on a bonfire.

2)If you don't listen to rule 1 and whatever it is doesn't explode, don't go to check why.

3)A lighter is not the appropriate tool to check wether someone has left the gas on.

5)Spirits hit you harder than most other drinks. Don't drink them too fast.

6)Playing Halloween pranks on someone with a nervous disposition who is holding something heavy (because you've been scrabbling at the windows and making creepy noises) is going to hurt.

7)When you are in school, some of the acid that they occasionaly use in the labs is pretty weak. Some of it isn't.

8)Respect and fear elecricity.

9)Don't climb over a deep pool on a rotten branch. Thinking that you might actualy drown is horrible.

10) Never, ever, ever get in a car with someone who is very drunk, or on a lot of drugs.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 11:42, 3 replies)
Is the Number 4...
...unlucky for you? How long have you felt this way?
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 11:53, closed)
Oh yeah.......
How odd... Oh well, I would edit it but then your reply would look kinda dumb and that wouldn't be fair. Funny though, usualy I can count up to 10 at least...
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 13:24, closed)
No. 6
I'd love to hear the story behind that one.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 1:46, closed)

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