I have horrible memories of a blind date where, desperately grabbing something at the last minute, I wore an enormously long scarf so she'd recognise me. I looked like a twat, it was clear she thought so too, and we stood saying nothing for 15 minutes in a pub before running away.
What's your worst date experience?
( , Fri 22 Oct 2004, 9:59)
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2 particular 'dates' spring to mind. (I'll try and keep them as brief as possible).
1) Another 'blind-date-gone-sour' experience: A girl who was a friend of a mate, and who only knew about me from reading something I'd emailed in reply to my mate's group emails, decided to invite me to the pics to see an 'arty' jean luc godard film. Although she werent that attractive, we got on well and after the film had a damn good chat over a drink or 2 in the cinema bar. I then stupidly took her along to meet some of my 'friends' in a pub, who immmediately started making fun of her looks and generally being rude, intimidating yobos. Eventually i walked the very annoyed and unimpressed young lady to the tube, and never heard of her thereafter. Wasnt actually my worst date, but I'm sure it didnt figure that highly in her list though.
2) About 4 years ago was out drinking somewhere on carnaby st one sunny summer friday evening, and got chatting to some most attractive young ladies. To cut a long story short, they were journo types and one of them wrote for the 'Erotic Review'. We got on well and later on she asked if I wanted to go to a party that night, which was being put on by the 'Fetish Times' in a big place just off drury lane. 'Crikey' I thought 'this could be an interesting night!'. Anyway I'm sure you can picture the party - lots of people showing off their 'crazy' sexual leanings in their attire, naked people being whipped on stage, and gimp-like men and women walking from table to table with paddles asking guests to 'spank' their botties. It was like a scene out of 'Eyes Wide Shut' or something...
All very exciting I'm sure you'll agree - but all I wanted to do was pull this girl and take her home. At the time I was probably highly intimidated by all this bizarrely explicit (and slightly comical) action going on all around us, but as the night dragged on it became clear that she was just going to swan around all night flirting ridiculously with people she knew and who had no interest in me whatsoever. So in the end, having drunk rather alot, I got tired and bored (no - I'm not sure why either!), made my excuses and left. Which left me thereafter wondering what might have happened if I'd stuck around and actually been a bit more sociable with these overfriendly folk. Forgot to ask for her number too.
( , Mon 25 Oct 2004, 10:43, Reply)
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