What was I thinking?
CactusZack tells us: "I stopped dating a girl AFTER she got breast implants. For what reason I do not know, and I still kick myself for this." Tell us about inexplicable decisions that still haunt you.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 11:58)
Regrets? I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention.
reallywittyname veraciously conspues lexiphanicism on, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 15:16,
2 replies)
You did what you had to do.
ThomsonsPier consumes, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 15:26,
Even if he did sometimes bite off more than he could chew.
epinephrine, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:39,