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Home » Question of the Week » My Biggest Disappointment » Post 188498 | Search
This is a question My Biggest Disappointment

Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."

Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.

What's disappointed you lot?
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(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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Arse biscuits
This morning Mrs North suggested that we should call in sick to our respective employers and do naughty stuff to each other in bed all day. I declined because I've got a shedload of work on and I'd end up working the weekend if I don't get through it.

Now I'm in work I've found out that my boss isn't in today and before he left yesterday he sent me an email telling to stop what I'm working on. I have nothing to do today and I could be snuggling with the better half. Now that is disappointing :-(
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:43, 8 replies)
Go and
"Throw up" in the toilet.

Go home. Sorted!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:44, closed)
Dont worry
I am taking good care of her.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:45, closed)
get the missus to call you in work
and report some 'emergency'. Appear all panicky in front of co-workers etc. Job done. You can make up a proper explanation later.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:46, closed)
*shakes fist at Mime*
I'll find you scoundrel!

I don't think I'll even bother making up an emergency. I think if there's damn all for me to do here I shall tell them that I'm off to 'do some research' at home where I'm less likely to be disturbed... As long as they don't ask me what my findings are tomorrow
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:50, closed)
I'd best be off then...
You have nice pillow cases btw :)

Enjoy your day!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:52, closed)
As long as you change the sheets before you leave
And fluff up the pillows. I like fluffed up pillows. And don't forget to leave a chocolate on them!

(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 9:55, closed)
Then again
You could be tearing the secretary a new one.

(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 10:08, closed)
Go home! It's only 10.30!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 10:27, closed)

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