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Home » Question of the Week » My Biggest Disappointment » Post 188851 | Search
This is a question My Biggest Disappointment

Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."

Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.

What's disappointed you lot?
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(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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It's all a bit meh. Sorry.
One of my biggest disappointments are my own expectations of others. I try really hard to have realistic expectations but why should I be impressed by the bare minimum?

I turned 28 a couple of weeks ago and I've never had a maternal bone in my body or any interest in getting married. But lately, I feel a little pull whenever I see a happy couple or a family.

I have a lovely boyfriend, nice friends, a good job and no real responsibilities. Some might think that's an enviable position but sometimes I think that's not enough. It all feels so transient and uncertain.

So, I guess my other biggest disappointment is that I didn't choose more wisely over the years because I might have more of the things that would give me a real sense of purpose.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:20, 9 replies)
i think it's called
a quarter life crisis! somehow realising that there should be something else... but perhaps there isn't...

i still can't believe i'm not an A-list celeb and supermodel. not quite sure how i was going to get there, but it's still Wrong that i haven't!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:31, closed)
Ms Swipe! Perhaps it's time to reinvent, like Madonna but perhaps without the scary veins and the crotch bulge.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:36, closed)
But you are an A-list b3ta celeb!


Not meant in a nasty way but, you don't want much do you? Everything seems pretty good for you, just enjoy it!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:38, closed)
i feel exactly the same. my life is pretty good - the best family, great job, loads of friends, amazing flat, nice car blah blah shallow material stuff as well. but i still can't quite believe that this is IT.

i think it's a panic about kids, mortgages, bills, middle age and realising that you aren't 21 any more, never mind forever.

ps: al - of course, that does make up for some of it!!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:43, closed)
I am enjoying it but it all feels a bit half hearted at the moment and I am not a half hearted girl.

I think perhaps, we all have too many options sometimes. Life gets overcomplicated by the freedom we have.

Or I could just have the Glasto blues. Got back on Monday afternoon and I'm feeling rather jaded.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:43, closed)
I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. I get like that after any sort of holiday.

Although after getting back from a festival I normally feel such utter relief that I can have a shower and eat food which isn't deep fried and hasn't had any goodness processed out of it.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:47, closed)
you're not exactly too old for a change, are you?
if you want to do something different with your life, don't dwell on missed opportunities, get out there and do it!
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:50, closed)
This has cheered me up a bit. I think I might have to go to the pub tonight to rehydrate...

The scum rings round the bath were like counting the age rings on a tree....And the food at Glasto was pretty good actually.

The traps were not though *shudder*
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 14:51, closed)
same for us blokeys too
and and on to that not being able to have kids (its both of us - what are the chances of that)means that direction is also pretty closed to us/me too.

WTF am i going to do with my life thats meaningful?

Trouble is i try and talk to people when it gets up on top of me and they think i am just a whining winston as everything else is great.

Yep. no kids of my own is my biggest dissapointment. not using contraception for 12 years plays huge tricks on your sanity.
(, Wed 2 Jul 2008, 15:27, closed)

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