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This is a question DIY disasters

I just can't do power tools. They always fly out of control and end up embedded somewhere they shouldn't. I've no idea how I've still got all the appendages I was born with.

Add to that the fact that nothing ends up square, able to support weight or free of sticking-out sharp bits and you can see why I try to avoid DIY.

Tell us of your own DIY disasters.

(, Thu 3 Apr 2008, 17:19)
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Water Feature

I was making a bamboo water feature for my mother the attempt to keep cats away from the pond something along the lines of: www.drsfostersmith.com/images/Categoryimages/normal/p_13806_27195P_10.jpg
anyway I had to seal up the bottom of the middle bamboo because some git at the garden centre had poked a hole through.

I searched my Dads garage for some sealant but couldn't find any so came up with the bright idea of using wax...

So I got a jam jar and put a load of left over Xmas candles that my mother had lying around in it, now the plan, how to melt them? Hmm... oh yeah, Dads got one of those heat guns that you melt cling film with over doors or something (have you spotted I'm not very clued up on DIY yet?)
So I put the heat gun over the top of the jam jar and it balances perfectly woo hoo!

2/3 mins later the wax has all melted so I positioned the bamboo in the vice with some surgical gauze (Mum's a nurse) over the hole and picked up the jam jar..........

Do a good job those heat guns don't they?!

the jar was stuck to my hand for what seemed an eternity, but it was enough to get me out of the garage and into the pond in about 5 seconds,

(, Mon 7 Apr 2008, 16:12, 2 replies)
how to they scare cats?
does the sound if trickling water make them want to go find their litter tray?
just curious
(, Mon 7 Apr 2008, 16:25, closed)
Nobody knows really, but they just seem terrified of bamboo.
The latin name for it is Bambus felixterret which literally means "Woody cat-terror".
(, Mon 7 Apr 2008, 16:31, closed)

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