I just can't do power tools. They always fly out of control and end up embedded somewhere they shouldn't. I've no idea how I've still got all the appendages I was born with.
Add to that the fact that nothing ends up square, able to support weight or free of sticking-out sharp bits and you can see why I try to avoid DIY.
Tell us of your own DIY disasters.
( , Thu 3 Apr 2008, 17:19)
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When I was a wee lad my granfather lived with us. One afternoon I was summoned to his study to find the old feller supporting a row of shelves that he had intercepted on the way to the ground. Much was the effort required to rescue him, but the lesson was not learnt by me.
Several years later and the ex-Mrs Steve has taken master Steve to visit her parents, leaving me with instructions to put up some shelves for my cd collection before her return. This was all well and good but my own plans for the weekend had involved spending some time with a rather nice young lady of my recent acquaintance. Thus it was that I rose at the ungodly hour of 6am on the Sunday to set forth on the shelf issue. We shall ignore the clear antisocial elements involved in putting shelves up on a parti-wall in a council flat at 7am on a sunday and just say that I got the bastards up after a lot of swearing and exciting activity with the powerdrill. By 9 o'clock I was free to perform my acts of adulterous badness.
By lunchtime I was kicking back on the sofa with my ladyfriend and having a fine time when k-erash, down come the shelves, in an exciting domino style. Kinda put the dampner on any other activity and at that point I finally learnt that lesson.
I've never attempted shelves since then...
( , Mon 7 Apr 2008, 20:06, 1 reply)

Next time you might want to put anchors in the wall to screw into when you are hanging shelves so the weight won't pull them out of the wall.
( , Tue 8 Apr 2008, 1:04, closed)
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