Rotating Disembodied Head asks: Have you spent 10,000 man hours recreating a costume of a minor character from Star Trek to wear at conventions or merely turned up at a party buck-naked and sporting a mouthful of custard which you spit out on demand and declare yourself to be a zit? Tales of the old dressing up box, fancy dress parties and stealing panties off next door's line. Said too much.
( , Thu 25 Oct 2012, 12:37)
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wearing my usual outfit for such things, dark brown canvas cargo pants with a white lace-up shirt and a green cape. I usually carry along a staff of some sort and a drinking horn. This time I carried a goofy staff with a pair of antlers on the top that I had found in a junk store to which I had glued some novelty ping pong balls made to look like eyeballs. But the piece de resistance was a blank white mask.
As I walked through the crowds I noticed people looking askance at me, wary expressions as they dodged out of my way. I decided to play it up a bit and took to stalking along, turning my head suddenly to look at people and make them jump.
I had underestimated the impact I was having, it seems. I went to the beer tent and waited in line, and the woman at the counter requested that I lift the mask to verify my age. I had honestly forgotten about that aspect and cheerfully slid it up, and heard a drunken cheer of "Beer Man! Beer Man has a face!" I grinned at the group of guys and hoisted my cup before replacing the mask and stalking off again, a straw in my drinking horn so I could drink through it.
Of course I eventually came close to a small child whose eyes grew enormous as she clutched at her mother. I responded by pulling the mask up and making goofy faces at her until she laughed, then pretended that the staff was looking around before peering at her. The mother laughed with the kid and thanked me before I left.
After a few more beers it got to be even funnier to me, and I would sometimes utter a deep "mwaahaahaahaahaa", drawing the occasional small scream followed by a nervous giggle from a cute girl. I spent the day watching shows, drinking beer and clowning around, safe behind the mask.
At the end of the day as people filed out I hung back, as I had no desire to spend the better part of an hour sitting in my car while the traffic got sorted. I stood near the exit watching the people go by, and even had a few people ask me for pictures. I agreed, of course, and finally had someone snap one with my own camera besides.

Once I left I stalked out to my car, and on the way passed by a young couple sitting back and watching the traffic. They recognized me and cheered, so I sat down with them. The girl sighed. "Man, I'd give twenty bucks right now for a beer."
I stood. "Right back..."
I returned with three beers that I had packed in case I wanted to go out to the car and eat during the day (I had eaten the food but left the beer) and handed them two. They gaped, then burst out laughing. I tried to wave away the twenty, but they insisted. We drank our beers as we watched the tail lights thin, then said goodnight and went to our own cars.
Amazing what a difference a three dollar mask can make...
( , Mon 29 Oct 2012, 15:59, Reply)
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