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This is a question Driven to Madness

Captain Placid asks: What annoying things do significant others, workmates and other people in general do that drive you up the wall? Do you want to kill your other half over their obsessive fridge magnet collection? Driven to distraction over your manager's continued use of Comic Sans (The Font of Champions)? Tell us.

(, Thu 4 Oct 2012, 12:11)
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People who don't know how to indicate at roundabouts.
You indicate left when turning off, it's basically as simple as that.
Turning left? indicate left.
Going straight? Indicate after the first turn off.
Going all the way round, indicate right until you're past the second junction then left.
Also use the lanes properly. Left lane for left and straight on, inside lane for all the way round.

Just yesterday I'm at a roundabout, a lady pulls out indicating left, I start to ease out but instead of turning off she keeps fucking going. Turns out she's going to the car parking area to my Left. Stupid bitch shouldn't have indicated until she passed me then pulled in, not made me think she was turning off before she got to me. She then had the cheek to shake her head at me. I pointed to her indicator, my 4 year old asleep in the back then gave her the finger. Idiot.
(, Sun 7 Oct 2012, 11:28, 5 replies)
I agree with you totally.
They either don't use them in case they wear them out or put them on too early or put them on when they already halfway into the turn. Fuckwits.
(, Sun 7 Oct 2012, 11:35, closed)
I sort of agree.. she was clearly drving like a cunt...
which is why I therefore never ever trust anyone's indicator. I wait til you can see their wheels turning left before I trust a left signal.. speshly with precious cargo in the car. People are just toooo cunty to be trusted on the roads.
(, Sun 7 Oct 2012, 13:56, closed)
That's why I eased out.
If I'd just pulled straight out she'd have been right in the side of me.
(, Sun 7 Oct 2012, 15:04, closed)
Pulling out in front of a car indicating left is a FAIL on the driving test for just that reason....

(, Sun 7 Oct 2012, 21:12, closed)

Hail Jehovah, at least one other person in the world who can navigate a roundabout properly.
(, Mon 8 Oct 2012, 1:18, closed)
Seems like there are
at least three of us then who understand these very complicated rules.

Seriously, there are people who understand the offside rule who don't seem able to do this.
(, Mon 8 Oct 2012, 13:25, closed)

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