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This is a question I was drunk when I bought this

Last weekend I realised that I was in a shoe shop sober for the first time... which is why I have such a wierd collection of shoes I don't wear. Thank god I don't have an Ebay account.

What rubbish have you bought whilst drunk?

(, Thu 9 Jun 2005, 11:42)
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Absinth. Just say no.
Night out with flatmates a few years back. Got a bit of a hunger on after a few pints and shots of absinth so decided to buy burger and chips from dodgy takeaway. Was too pissed to eat aforementioned meal so, thinking I was being remarkably clever, I put the entire meal in the freezer. Was most confused 5 days later at finding burger and chips in my freezer. Sadly, I still microwaved them. They were foul.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2005, 7:41, Reply)

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