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Ever been dumped by your significant other? Ever been the dumper? What happened?

(, Thu 3 Jan 2013, 12:50)
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"I don't want to see you anymore."
"Anyway, can you give me a lift home?"
(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:25, 3 replies)
Are you suggesting that after having noticed that the woman was somewhat unstable he ought to have planned a more strategic exit from the situation?

(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:37, closed)
Thing is, I didn't actually dump her that harshly
My heroic way out was to say that I neeeded to get to Denmark, something I'd told her when I arrived
(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:40, closed)
But you did notice that she was a paranoid bunny boiler.

(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:42, closed)
Did she break your legs as well?
Agree with the above. You decided to break up with her then just sat in HER house like a tin of tomatoes. The fact that she didn't immediately say "OK then, fuck off NOW" like any self-respecting person should have given you a clue that she wasn't straightforward. Then you placidly waited two days for her to drive you a distance you could have walked in two hours. That's called a mixed message, my friend.
(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:42, closed)
How dare you wander in here and give sensible advice on the internet.
Just what the hell do you think this is??
(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:43, closed)
when you say "break-up", it sounds like we should've been fighting over our ikea furninture
it's difficult to reconcile that with my initial "haven't seen or talked to you for a year, but am passing through town again" opening gambit. In that context, asking a lift to the station to continue my travels doesn't sound too exceptional. Agreed, things probably didn't seem like this in her mind, but I contend she had a couple of roos loose in her back paddock.
I do things placidly, because I'm a placid guy
(, Mon 7 Jan 2013, 19:55, closed)

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