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Home » Question of the Week » The Emergency Services » Post 1966535 | Search
This is a question The Emergency Services

Tell us your tales of the police, ambulance workers, firefighters, and - dammit - the coastguard

(, Thu 16 May 2013, 11:33)
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Thank God for airbags
I love the way this board can turn a decent story with drama and a sense of appreciation into a something a bit icky.

You really have to be a bit brave to expose yourself to all this trolling.
(, Fri 17 May 2013, 6:48, 2 replies)
this argument would only hold water if the story was in any way decent.
since the story was yet another chapter in the cripplingly dull memoir of ringofyre, you are shit out of luck. soz.
(, Fri 17 May 2013, 6:56, closed)
As opposed to the lovingly crafted wit and wisdom of Janet......

(, Tue 21 May 2013, 15:24, closed)
Water off a ducks back mostly.
EDIT: I do agree about the "sense of appreciation" bit tho - really sad that no one's really picked up and run with that now. What I said in the last paragraph is probably the most important statement in the whole piece. But all I get is drivel about nothing very much.
Says a lot about the mindset and negative attitudes prevalent I think.
(, Fri 17 May 2013, 8:09, closed)
this is not your creative writing course,
please get the fuck over yourself. maybe have another drink and relax a bit?
(, Fri 17 May 2013, 8:37, closed)

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