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This is a question Evil Pranks

As a student Joel Veitch attached a hose from the sink into my bed. I slowly woke thinking I'd pissed myself. I had the last laugh though. He had to pay for my ruined mattress.

What's the most evil prank you've ever played on someone?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:01)
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I / people I've socialised with
do alot of cuntish things when pranking people (usually each other). Lets see, I do remember hearing about putting a viagra into someones drink, so we gave that a go with pretty hilarious results. Pissing into others beers is a speciality, usually saved for festivals. Another one, specifically designed for festivals, is to get those thick plastic sandwich ties, and lock up the zips on tents (always fun at around 4am when most of the party mad have passed out in their tent).

Aside from dropping viagra, polo mints in cans of diet coke, if timed correctly when somebodies back is turned, will give a lovely indoor water feature effect.

My recent favourite, although not quite a prank, was when I went food shopping with my sister. I got in line to do the lottery as time was getting near, and she went around to get food and all that gubbins. By the time she'd got back around, I was still queueing up.

Her: "You've been queueing all this time? You know cut off time for lotto is 5 minutes?"

Me: "I know, but - Did you know that if you miss the cut off point because the queue isn't moving fast enough, and your numbers DO come up, the shop or supermarket you are in, by law, has to pay you the equivalent you would have won had your numbers come through."

This fascinated her, and as far as I know she still believes this and may even have mentioned this nugget of obscure information to some of her friends.

: D
(, Fri 14 Dec 2007, 2:20, Reply)

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