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This is a question Pointless Experiments

Pavlov's Frog writes: I once spent 20 minutes with my eyes closed to see what it was like being blind. I smashed my knee on the kitchen cupboard, and decided I'd be better off deaf as you can still watch television.

(, Thu 24 Jul 2008, 12:00)
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I really really do want to know - a la "Dumb and Dumber" - if you eat a couple of very very hot chillis (small and red are the best guides to this - nature's warning signals, you know something that gives you hallucinations afterwards coz it is so hot), then would drinking something like Tabasco Sauce or Mustard calm your mouth down? Relatively like?

Any volunteers in the great B3tard tradition? Pleeze?
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 9:49, 3 replies)
it's dumb and dumber ;-)
why not try it yourself and post the results?

you can't want to know that badly if you won't try it
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 10:10, closed)
^agrees with Vipros
If you really want to know, get chomping and drinking...
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 10:45, closed)
How do you know he wasn't referring to popular 90s romantic comedy, 'Drum and Drummer'? It's s heart-warming tale of two paraplegic drummers, desperately trying to make their way in a world that is against them.

I particularly liked the sex scene.
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 10:54, closed)

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