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This is a question Pointless Experiments

Pavlov's Frog writes: I once spent 20 minutes with my eyes closed to see what it was like being blind. I smashed my knee on the kitchen cupboard, and decided I'd be better off deaf as you can still watch television.

(, Thu 24 Jul 2008, 12:00)
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One I did at school many moons ago:
Question: Can I give myself a tatoo?

Ingrediants needed:
1 really really really boring class
1 fountain pen with non-permenant ink
1 compass
1 pen ink eraser

Draw a PWEI symbol on my wrist in blue ink. Idly sit there poking the drawing with a compass.
When all of drawing has been througholy poked try washing it off with spit.
Panic and go to the bathroom. Discover soap and water doens;t remove any trace of it either.
Try using the ink ereaser pen on the "tatoo"
Feel lots of relif as the tatoo disapears
Get called up to answer a question about the lesson but have no idea what's it's about
Fail to blag it
Get told off
Still wonder to this day if the tatoo is still there but invisible....

Result: Yes you can do your own tatoo but it'll probably fade/blur really quickly if you don't have anything that resembles the right gear.
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 12:50, 2 replies)
Wise Up! Sucker
Clicks for the PWEI tattoo... haven't heard anything of theirs for years.

Sure it's not as good as I remember it being.
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 12:57, closed)
Yes you can.

I did.

I still have it, and it looks the same 7 years on.
(, Thu 31 Jul 2008, 14:12, closed)

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