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This is a question Faking it

Rakky writes, "We've all done it. From qualifications to orgasms, everyone likes to play 'let's pretend' once in a while."

So when have you faked it? Did you get away with it? Or were your mendacious ways exposed?

(, Thu 10 Jul 2008, 15:16)
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Hard at work? Moi?
From Aug 2000 - Jun 2001 I was employed at Hull's favourite neighbourhood phone-company. The phone-book department to be accurate. I was taken on as "Digital Content Administrator" for a website they were planning which was basically a database of local clubs and organisations, a what's-on section and other such mediocrity. Bear in mind that this sort of website was still a groovy idea even though the gossamer-thin membrane of the dot-com bubble was beginning to fragment.

Still, I didn't mind. I was employed doing something with computers, for the princely wage of £9000 pa.

My time there was spent thus:

First 6 weeks or so:
Creating suitable keywords for each category in the yellow pages for the online version that was to be launched soon.

Next three weeks:
Collating all the leaflets, forms and information that the researchers had found about local clubs/organizations etc and trying to categorise them.

Then a week off work, during which time a pleasant middle-aged agency temp lady finished the job into half-dozen ring-binders.

Three weeks of trawling and wholesale theft of the Beehive section (local community stuff) of the local rag's website

Precious little more until Xmas..

After Xmas, my days comprised of:
Turning up for work, having a cup of tea while I read any emails.
Go upstairs, get the safe-key from someone's drawer. Open safe, remove data-tapes. Go in server room, swap backup tapes with that particular day's cassette. Put tapes back in safe.
Check server to see if it has locked up overnight which it must have done maybe 2-3 times a week (why they paid a small fortune for a bespoke system running on G3 power macs is beyond me)
Copying a text file of updated data into a folder on another power mac and then running some obscure applet that integrated that data into the database.
Running the stats program and emailing myself the log-file.
Go back downstairs, and enter stats info into Excel and create a pretty graph. Print it out and drop it on the bosses desk.
By which time it was about 10am. Have another drink. Spend the rest of the morning looking at work-friendly websites.
Go for lunch in the subsidised canteen.
Go back to desk, look at more websites and tinker with the Excel spreadsheet/graph to look busy at a casual glance.
Go home at 5pm.

For a couple of weeks, I had an old Macintosh on the desk and another redundant PC running Linux as part of my rather successful "I'm testing the site on various platforms" ruse.

For all the proper work I did in the job, I could've compressed it all down and be finished by maybe October at the most.

I am thinking of describing myself on my CV as IT Layabout/Charlatan.
(, Fri 11 Jul 2008, 18:13, 3 replies)
Still happens today only
it's all done offshore for around 9000 rupees pa
(, Fri 11 Jul 2008, 18:22, closed)
Get cheap business cards printed
with that on and give them out at parties.
(, Sat 12 Jul 2008, 18:42, closed)
Fuck it, you know what? I think i will do. lol
(, Sun 13 Jul 2008, 0:12, closed)

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