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Home » Question of the Week » * PFFT * » Post 85193 | Search
This is a question * PFFT *

I've been pretty farty all week, but 2 large helpings of sausage and lentil stew last night have really tipped things over the edge. I swear you can see these ones.

I'm here at work trying to hold them in so I (a) don't have to keep nipping to the loo like a madman and (b) don't gas half the office, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. I might rupture something if I'm not careful.

Tell us all about your own fartiness.

(, Fri 13 Jul 2007, 14:01)
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Cleverly induced Dutch Oven
Sometimes the hardest part of pulling off a Dutch Oven is getting your other half's head underneath the duvet to fully appreciate your slowly baked arse-stench.

A mate informed me of an interesting method - if you're both lying face up then start pretending to hawk one up and spit it at the ceiling. In the inevitable rush to avoid a lovely phlegmball square on the nose, she will duck under the cover, at which point you let rip, safe in the knowledge she will recieve your "offering".
(, Wed 18 Jul 2007, 9:27, Reply)

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