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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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@Lythium - yep, I was fearing for my safety as I hit post but such is my hatred of this film I had to do it. Also, as a former AI researcher myself, I should comment that I hate the film War Games as the ending cracks the code one digit at a time. Completely unrealistic and not in accordance with solving an NP-complete problem.

@terryeden - agreed on the convincing other people thing. It's like religion, all you can do is explain your piece and see if people eventually come round to your way of thinking. If - as you claim - the film is meant to make you frustrated and bored then fair enough it does what it says on the tin. That still doesn't make it an entertaining film which regardless of *how* that's achieved is the important thing. It just makes Stanley Kubrick a bastard of the first water (though I do love The Shining, A Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb).

@Davros' Granddad - Yay! Someone else agrees. Mind you, I agreed fully with your Off Topic thing on religion/b3ta. You're still going to burn in hell though.
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:57, Reply)

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