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This is a question How clean is your house?

"Part of my kitchen floor are thick with dust, grease, part of a broken mug, a few mummified oven-chips, a desiccated used teabag and a couple of pieces of cutlery", says Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic. To most people, that's filth. To some of us, that's dinner. Tell us about squalid homes or obsessive cleaners.

(, Thu 25 Mar 2010, 13:00)
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When I ws a filthy student
Not a patch on most of the stories here.

Moved into a house in Croydon, which had a seperate shower and bath. A few weeks after I moved in, a bee popped his clogs and fell in the bath. As everybody used the shower, the bee became a permanent feature.

I lived there for two years, and every time my mother came to visit, she would check on the bee, and comment. When I left, I thought about taking it with me as a souvenir, but I got stoned instead, and forgot.

And just to balance the story, fast forward 20 years or so - a few months ago my brother and I were mooching around my mothers kitchen for something to eat, and found a pot of mixed spice that was 14 years past it's best by date.
(, Fri 26 Mar 2010, 10:02, 3 replies)
Please tell us that you gave the bee a name, surely?
I think as women get past a certain age they seem to stop throwing old food out. Once, back in maybe 1997 or so, I came home and went into the cupboard to find something to eat. There were a few extra packets.
"Oh, my mum gave me a few things for the cupboard" my wife said. (we were quite skint at the time).
There was a packet a Paxo bread sauce mix and as I took it out to have a look, my first impression was "Haven't they changed the packet design at all, it looks really dated."

That's because it was. It's best-before must have been Feb 1988. The worrying thing is that I didn't immediately throw it out and in 6 months time, I wrapped it up and gave to my mate for his birthday.

Even more worryingly is that I got it back for my birthday 2 years later.
(, Fri 26 Mar 2010, 10:12, closed)
no, we didn't name him.

To tell the truth, it was a rather hazy smoke filled couple of years. On a normal day we'd struggle to remember our own names.
(, Fri 26 Mar 2010, 10:23, closed)
I have a wasp who lives (well... lived would be more accurate) in my rear brake light. He's quite dead now but I've named him Geoff.
(, Fri 26 Mar 2010, 14:05, closed)

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