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Home » Question of the Week » Foot in Mouth Syndrome » Post 8258 | Search
This is a question Foot in Mouth Syndrome

What's the worst social gaffe you've ever made? When you know you've said the wrong thing to the wrong person and wish the ground would swallow you up. In other words you've just contracted a bad case of foot in mouth syndrome. Tell us your stories and we'll share your pain.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 22:27)
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Aahh, wont do that again......
I really fancied this guy at college. He wasn't your typical stud, but I really liked him. While talking about it with a friend I was a little embarassed and just blurted out 'God, I can't believe I fancy someone who's bald and crossed-eyed....

He was standing behind me. Strangely enough we never got it together.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 13:15, Reply)

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