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This is a question Foot in Mouth Syndrome

What's the worst social gaffe you've ever made? When you know you've said the wrong thing to the wrong person and wish the ground would swallow you up. In other words you've just contracted a bad case of foot in mouth syndrome. Tell us your stories and we'll share your pain.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2004, 22:27)
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I was with a couple of mates and we was talking about another mate who was a bit wierd and was nothing like his mum or dad and i said something about adopted freaks or something,(i was young and rude ok?) when it dawned on me about 3 seconds later what i had said, one of the blokes i was with was adopted and he just gave me the dirtiest look in the world! i felt like dying.
(, Wed 21 Apr 2004, 14:04, Reply)

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